
We are delighted to announce the Call for Abstracts for the II Early Career Investigators’ Congress on Bio-Organic Research (II ECIC-BIOR), which will be held from June 4th to 6th at the Instituto Universitario de Bio-Orgánica «Antonio González». We invite researchers to submit abstracts for oral presentations, flash talks, or poster presentations. Selecting the most suitable format for your presentation is crucial to effectively sharing your research with the right audience. Choose an oral or flash presentation to deliver your findings in a concise, dynamic format or a poster presentation to visually highlight your work and engage in in-depth discussions. Whichever format you select, your contribution is integral to the success of this congress, and we look forward to showcasing the diverse and innovative research of early-career researchers.

Furthermore, we encourage abstract submissions spanning a broad spectrum of topics relevant to the congress. From fundamental research to applied studies, we welcome abstracts that highlight the latest advancements, innovative methodologies, and groundbreaking discoveries in the field. Please ensure that all abstracts adhere to the formatting guidelines outlined in the provided template. Submissions must be in Microsoft Word format (.docx, .doc, etc.) and should not exceed 10 MB in file size. These requirements ensure consistency in presentation and streamline the review process conducted by our scientific committee.

We look forward to receiving your abstract submissions and to the opportunity of showcasing your research at II Early Career Investigators’ Congress on Bio-Organic Research. Should you have any inquiries or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. For your communications, please follow the instructions and requirements listed at the bottom.

Don’t forget that the payment for the congress will be carried out through the website of the General Foundation of the University of La Laguna (FGULL). The general registration payment will be 8€ for those who register during the «early payment» period and €10 for those who register during the «late payment» period.

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